The Resin Black Options enable the user to select which of the black parts of the image should be printed with the resin black panel. These options should be experimented with, as both the definition and intensity of the black can be varied.
All Black in image is printed with: YMC
This will allow advanced configuration of how black objects in a card design are printed, there are 3 options that can be enabled and disabled by clicking on the check boxes, enable or disable each option to suit your card design and the output that you want to achieve.
All Black in image is printed with: K
By default all black objects will be printed in Resin Black except areas of black in pictures.
Black text uses K-Resin
Default = Checked
When enabled, all black (RGB value of 0,0,0) text in your card design will be printed in Resin Black. This improves clarity and is highly recommended if your card design uses black text or ‘True Type’ Barcodes.
Mono bitmaps use K-Resin
Default = Unchecked
Mono (monochrome) bitmaps are pictures formatted to contain only black (RGB value of 0,0,0) and white (RGB value of 255,255,255). Many ID badging applications generate barcodes as monochrome bitmaps. This option, when enabled, will allow these barcodes to be printed with resin black. This will improve the clarity and makes barcodes easier to read with conventional barcode scanners.
Note: Barcodes must be printed using the Resin Black panel in order to be readable by an Infra-red scanner.