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Help > Printer Help > Print Setup > Black Options > Black Resin Areas
Black Resin Areas

Black Resin Areas.jpg

User Defined Black Resin Areas are created by entering the size and position of the coverage area. It is possible to define up to 10 Black Resin Areas; these will appear in a preview window in the right hand side. The selected area will appear as a Black Polygon, any other defined areas will appear as Grey.


Defining a custom coverage area:

1)    Select one of the available Profiles from the list on the left side of the window - its details will be displayed on the right side along with a preview.

2)    Define the size (height and width) of the required coverage area and it will be displayed as a rectangle in the preview window - use this rectangle to gauge the height and width values correctly.

3)    Move the rectangle to the required position. Positioning is based on a grid reference using an X (left/right) and Y (up/down) axis and moving in units of pixels.

4)    Dragging and dropping the rectangle over the desired position within the preview will automatically populate the co-ordinates for you.


Tip: there are 11.8 (approx. 12) pixels per millimeter (mm)). Use the preview as a guide while increasing/decreasing the X and Y values.