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Help > Printer Help > Print Setup > Overcoat & Security > Security Options
Security Options


HoloKote® is a high security system that ensures cards cannot be cloned. This special feature automatically prints a high security watermark into the overcoat panel during the print cycle without incurring extra consumable costs. With the Printer, you have a choice of 4 different logos to choose from.

HoloKote Map

The HoloKote Map feature allows you to customize the location of the watermark on the cards.  From 1 to 24 individual locations can be selected for both the Front and the Back of the card design.

Use with Laminate

Default =  Unchecked

Checking the Use with Laminate option will perform in a similar way to HoloKote® in that it will print a 4 x 6 grid of graphic icons onto the card, but unlike HoloKote® it will not print the overcoat between the graphics, this is done so that the HoloKote® watermark is clearly visible through a laminate film and so that the laminator film can stick to the printed card more effectively.


Disable Custom Holokote Key

Default = Unchecked

The disable custom holokote key option is intended for users who have purchased their own custom HoloKote® dongle. Select this option to print cards without applying the custom logo to the card design. This option is unchecked by default.


HoloKote® Watermark Rotation

Default = No Rotation

The HoloKote® design can be rotated when it is printed to accommodate Landscape or Portrait layouts.  Using the drop down list the logo can be rotated in increments of 90°.